Friday, May 20, 2011

K2 Lingo

Here is your very own personal dictionary for the K2 lingo.  You will hear these words, abbreviations, people and places often!

Backwoods: 1. The benches and the "fake" house front in the cabin area where the girls meet for "Backwoods." 2. A fun "girl time" with skits and laughs provided by our very own Brooke Roberts and Kristen Knoth.
Champions: Veteran staff member that is assigned to be in charge of a cabin and the counselors in that cabin during Staff Training.
C.O.D.:  "Counselor of the Day." This counselor helps Leadership run Kamp smoothly and on time. They also make up the poem or song to be performed  by their cabin at flag.
Contraband: Anything, which is not permitted at Kanakomo. (i.e., gum, candy, phone, ipods, etc.)
Devos: The devotional the counselors lead in the cabin each night between lights out and taps.
F.O.B.: "Flat On Back." This is another name for Rest Period. It is after lunch when kampers and staff are in their cabins resting, reading, writing letters or quietly fellowshipping.
FUAGNEM: "Fired Up and Going Nuts Every Minute." This may be used to describe the person who is always ready for whatever may come. She has energy and a great excitement for the day and its activities.
Goodie: Inter-kamp mail that doesn't need a stamp - and never goes into U.S. Postal Mail.
High Risk Activity: Any activity in which you must be CERTIFIED by special training and testing to open the activity.
Hilton: Kamp's discipline program. A plan to remove disruptive/disobedient Kampers from the rest of the cabin in order to most effectively deal with the situation.
Honor Condo: The time to clean up your cabin for judging
I'm Third: God First. Others Second. I'm Third. The motto every Komo girl should strive to live by.
Kitchikomo: The wonderful staff who work in the dining hall.
Klinics: The 2 days before Staff Training when we do intensive training in Kayak, Sail, Canoe, Boat Driving, and Dance.
K.P.: "Kitchen Patrol." The two girls from each cabin who go 5 minutes early to the dining hall to set the tables.
M.C.O.: The "Master Certified Operator" is the TRAINED AND TESTED personnel that can open and operate a particular HIGH-RISK activity. This person is responsible to wear the "M.C.O." hat at this activity.
Mutts: Another term for the bathrooms of cabins 1-4.
POD Days: The one day a week that Kampers sign up for a special day.
Ski Kamp: Each cabin will get to go to the dock and eat a meal and enjoy skiing, tubing, and jet skiing.
Sugar Shack: Each cabin will get to eat the meal plus Cokes and ice cream sundaes at lunch or dinner.
Summit/Tower: This includes the Climbing and Rappelling Tower, Double Trouble, the Poles, Zipline and the Treetops. This is a high-risk area!
Superdeal: An all-day "trip" away from Kamp for guys and girls cabins 19 and 20.
Taps: Everyone in bed and quiet. No talking.
Tribes: Girls are divided into two tribes (Kickapoo or Kiowa) for competition.
Trip (K-Wet and K-Wild): Kampers leave Kamp for a wilderness experience. K-Wet is 2 days/nights of sun and lake fun. K-Wild is 1 day/1night of high adventure climbing, rappelling, hiking and caving.
U.C.: "Unit Coordinator." The U.C. is in charge of overseeing several cabins. She is there to help in any way she can to serve these cabins and make their Kamp experience the best it can be.

photo provided by Kristen Knoth's facebook.

Dress Code K-Style

Hey Girls! 
I am so beyond ready for you to be at K2! As you pack your bags to roll into our gates in just a few short days, here are some reminders about our "Modest is Hottest" K2 athletic style from head to toe...

Head  - No "wild, colored, or punk" haircuts

Ears - I am huge fan of fun earrings, so bring your stars, animals, and ice cream cones. Just remember, you may only wears studs (no hoops), and just two per ear.  

Jewelry - No piercings other than the ears. The only other jewelry that can be worn is an athletic watch (staff only) and a Kamp cross. Feel free to rock on with the fun necklaces and bracelets that you make with your kampers!

Shirts - No low cut, tight, see through, or midriff showing tops. No spaghetti straps or white A-line shirts unless they are being used as an undershirt. Inappropriate slogans or designs on clothing may not be worn at Kamp.

Tanks and Cut-Off T's - These are a staff favorite, but remember to bring an undershirt to wear with them!  Your sports bra and/or swimsuit may NOT show under your arms.

Shorts - Please make sure that your shorts are not tight, and are below your fingertips in length.

Skirts - Skirts may only be worn at our K2 parties. So bring your awesome festive skirts...just remember to put shorts under them! 

Shoes - To prevent injury, athletic shoes and socks must be worn at all Kamp activities. Waders (Tevas, Chacos, etc.) can be worn at water-related activities and are required for all waterfront activities. Please make sure that your water shoes have a strap around the heel! There are specific times when flip flops and sandals are permitted, we will go over this during staff training!

Swimsuits - We only wear modest, one-piece swimsuits. Two-piece swimsuits, mesh, low-cut V-neck, high-cut leg, or swimsuits cut to show the torso may not be worn.

Tattoos - Your tattoos must be covered at all times.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

How to be a great....

Hey K2 Staff! We are so excited to see you all VERY soon! Get excited for an unbelievable summer! Here is a just a glimpse of what God has in store for each of you at K2 for the summer of 2011....... 

****IMPORTANT REMINDER**** For you lovely ladies that will be serving in our office or dining hall the last 4 weeks of summer, it is not mandatory for you to attend staff training. If you have made arrangements to attend, please let Trish know by E-mail.
You're going to be a KITCHIE?!?! That is so SWEET! You're going to have a blast hanging out with girls your own age - living life and serving together! You are truly a special part of kamp - kamp won't happen without you!

Get ready to work hard and play hard! Be sure to bring lots of fun hats and bandanas because you will have to keep your hair covered...lets be honest, nobody looks better in hats than K2 Kitchikomos! And if you want to bring some fun table decorations for your adopted cabins they will love it! No pressure though because there are LOTS of ways to be a loving kitchie! Get ready to serve kamp and hang out with some of the coolest teens around!

F - Have FUN with your kampers! Be silly, wear crazy costumes, play in the rain, laugh and participate with the kids!

R - Be RESPONSIBLE, RELATIONAL and REAL. Our teens appreciate vulnerability.  

I - Always uphold your INTEGRITY and remember that you are serving the kingdom at K2! Never pass up a chance to be INTENTIONAL with your kampers! 

E - Get EXCITED about all activities (even the awesome hot weather) so that you can be a boost of ENTHUSIASM and constant ENCOURAGEMENT!

N - NEVER BE WITHOUT KIDS! As a counselor, you should always be where your kids are!

D - Be DEDICATED to your kampers and to His calling you to a summer of ministry. Remember that God does not call the equipped, He equips the called. Be DISCIPLINED in your daily quiet times and rely on the Lord for energy so that you can continue to share Christ with our K2 girls!

Why it’s GREAT to be an Office Girl:
Well….if I really listed all the reasons why being an Office Girl is AWESOME I would be typing this when Jesus came back…which in all reality might be tomorrow but you get the drift! Being an Office Girl in my humble opinion is THE. BEST .JOB. AT. KAMP. PERIOD. As an Office Girl you get to SERVE behind the scenes and have a blast doing it. Office Girls spend the summer studying the Word of God, memorizing it (well verses…not the whole thing but we can try!) and becoming doers of the Word in the K2 office (throwin’ a little James at y’all since we are studying it this summer). Everything we do in the office helps kamp run smoothly! Office Girls are a vital part of kamp because we allow counselors and other staff to stay focused on the main purpose of kamp…THE KIDS! The best feeling an Office Girl can have is seeing a kamper come to Christ and knowing that in some way they were a part of that decision! Whether it was smiling when you gave that kamper a letter or being patient with that kamper when they were not so patient. An Office Girl has the incredible opportunity of witnessing by loving a kamper through their service. There is seriously no better job on earth!

How to be a GREAT Office Girl:
By following the example of Jesus! The book of Matthew says “But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” SERVE! SERVE! SERVE! SERVE! A great Office Girl is constantly looking for ways to serve her peers, the kids coming in and out of the office, and the leadership at Kamp! The office is the first place that many kampers and parents come! We set the tone for kamp…THIS. IS. A. BIG. DEAL. A great Office Girl treats everyone that comes into the office with respect, love, and kindness; showing no partiality (as James says…of course)! The office can be crazy and there can be a lot going on at one time! A great Office Girl keeps her calm under pressure and a smile on their face! A personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the most important aspect of what makes a great Office Girl!!!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Party Time!

Justice League
Batman, Superman, The Hulk, and Ironman have nothing on this K2 party! Break out the capes and masks, or create your best superhero outfit and you will be ready to go for this night! We need all the superheroes to unite so we can dominate this party!

Klub Deuce
Think 50's poodle skirts, oodles of tie dye from the 70's, super chic 80's prom dresses, or rock the Boy Band t-shirts from the 90's!! Dig through your grandparents' closet for their polyester jumpsuits and see your parents for their trendy advice from high school! Come dressed from your favorite decade... or represent them all if you so choose! Whatever decade you pick, just make sure you go all out for it! We are going to be dancing for a while.... about 6 decades.

Get ready to have your mind blown with an night more extreme than you could have ever imagined. Whatever you wear, stick with the theme... EXTREME!! Think helmets, knee pads, neon, crazy hair wigs, camo...anything extreme you are good to go for this insane party! 

We are taking a vacation to a 5 Star Resort. Come dressed in your best resort attire, underwater scuba diver, or geeky treasure hunter. Just don't forget your wetsuit -- the beautiful land of Lamplantis is under water!

Redneck Olympics
TheOlympic games at K2 this summer will not require a fancy ski suit or sparkly gymnastics tights. Bring out your overalls, cowboy boots, straw hats, and plaid shirts, or come dressed at the southern girl next door. Whatever you wear,  just make sure its down home country and ready for some Olympic sports that are nothing shy of redneck!

What to Bring to Staff Training Week

K2 Girls' Kamp Needs:  Here it is ladies...the everything you need to bring to kamp list! So get your backpacks out and that cute Gucci luggage (or your wal-mart stuff if you are like me:) and don't worry about gettin' all gussied up b/c you ain't gonna need it where you coming this summer! We are plain folk who like the all-natural look...clean and simple and sporty!
  1. Stamps and notebook/clipboard for notes and Kamp information
  2. Toiletry articles (shampoo, conditioner, soaps, toothpaste and brush, shaving cream, razor, etc.)
  3. Towels and washcloths (4-5)
  4. Shower shoes or flip flops
  5. Waders (shoes that can get wet)
  6.  2 pairs of tennis shoes
  7. Poncho or good raincoat
  8. 12+ pairs of socks
  9. 12+ pairs of underwear
  10. 12+ pairs of shorts
  11. 12+ T-shirts
  12. 2 modest swimsuits (one piece)
  13. 2 pairs of sweats (May nights can sometimes get chilly in the Ozarks!)
  14. 2 sweatshirts, long sleeved t-shirts or light jacket
  15. 1 pair of old jeans (needed only during your terms)
  16. Nicer casual clothes (for time off only)
  17. Bedding for a single bunk bed, including a warm blanket
  18. 1 pillow and 2 pillow cases
  19. Sleeping bag (needed only during your terms)
  20. Flashlight and /or headlamp
  21. Laundry bag
  22. Sunscreen, repellents and other needed medications
  23. Any personal sports equipment (to use for aid in teaching)
  24. Program/party outfits (bring additional random costumes)
  25. Big teachable heart, ready to show the love of Christ
  26. Copy of your contract
  27. Inexpensive watch that can get wet
  28. School Spirit: You will be wearing your school t-shirt for our big staff photo.
  29. Don't forget! You MUST bring your appropriate identification documents to STW to display to Kamp administration. 
  30. Remember to bring your boat driving license, CPR and lifeguard certifications if you were previously asked to do so per your director.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy Easter Girls

Last night was a special night. It was just me and Bo, my oldest son, so I decided to treat him to just some 1-1 hang time with his momma! Even 22 year old men like to know they are still special enough to have some momma time! Or maybe that's just this gal thinking that! haha
We went to see Source Code and then to eat at Red Lobster. It was during the meal and our chat that I just realized how blessed i am to have such an amazing life. Nothing I have is deserved; nothing is promised; nothing is given to me because I'm Trish; rather, the opposite. But God is sovereign and faithful and so dang amazing! Tomorrow is a special day for us as believers. He was brutally beaten, ignored, laughed at, mocked, and eventually crucified for YOU and ME! He didn't get mad  when he was mocked, he didn't get revenge with his words or through his actions; he prayed to his Father for strength and wisdom and for forgiveness for those inflicting massive pain and suffering on him! Wow! That just really hits me b/c so often I get frustrated or impatient or think thoughts that are just not so nice and all because I have been hurt or taken advantage of? It's humbling really. The more I understand about my God and Savior, the more I realize my broken state and my need for redemption.
I hope  you don't just stumble through this weekend without counting your blessings. No matter where you are in life...whether you are in the middle of a trial, on the tail end of one, or getting ready to head into a trial, God is good; He is faithful; He is sovereign and He knows the outcome. In the end, we WIN b/c we have been justiifed by the blood of his Son Jesus!
Happy Easter friends. Counting down the days until we run the race together at k2! Press on and run the race in a manner that honors and glorifies the Lord!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

How to Lead a Great Devo

1.    Be Prepared – Familiarize yourself with the “common thread,” questions and flow of the devo. Get with your Co(s) ahead of time and discuss/decide what you want to do each night. Most of the materials that these devos call for are provided for you to check out from the Leadership Cabin, but please do this before dinner if possible.

2.    Be Personable - Use this book as a tool to help you, but don’t read from it word for word (except for the ones that include something for your read aloud).

3.    Know your kampers – Early in the term have each girl fill out an index card with her name, on a scale of 1-10 how secure are they of their salvation, some topics they would like to cover in devos, biggest struggle, etc. (that’s your choice).

4.    Kamper Lead – Let your kampers talk. You are responsible for facilitating to devo and keeping the girls on track, but make sure they are the ones doing most of the talking.

5.    Ask open-ended questions – Don’t ask questions that warrant a “yes or no” answer. Pose questions that provide them with opportunity to discuss and be vulnerable. Think of a scenario relatable to your age group.

6.    Kamper Involvement – Know which scriptures you are going to use during the devo and write the references down on index cards. Hand out the cards to a few girls before devos and have them look up and read them.

7.    Tailor to your cabin – Make sure that your devo is age appropriate for your kampers and that it is relevant.

8.    Be vulnerable – Be open with your kampers from the beginning. It is often helpful if the counselors share their testimonies early in the term. When going around the circle answering a question, counselors should almost always answer too.

9.    Follow up and make it stick – Follow up with kampers; don’t let the purpose of the devo go away when they leave the circle. Have a spot in the cabin where you hang the scripture reference cards the next day to that the girls can get them if they want them.

10.   PrayPray with your Co for openness and vulnerability; pray for hearts to be changed, pray that you may each be equipped to love your kampers exactly the way that HE needs them to be.. Take prayer requests and allow girls to open and close in prayer. Be intentional and follow up these prayer requests also.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Summer 2011 Verse Theme

  Game On

James 1:22 “But prove yourselves doers of the word, not just   hearers.”

As an athlete and former coach,  I am so excited for this year's theme because we are an athletic camp and our theme plays so well into our heartbeat of teaching kids the gospel through the platform of athletics and adventure. .God is a planner, a strategish. He is super organized and he definitely sets the pace. I challenge you to gear up for the biggest game of your life this summer! Strap on your shoes, throw on some knee pads or sliding shorts and start practicing for being the GAME CHANGING STARTER this summer! No matter what position God has called you to serve in this summer, YOU can make a difference.
One of my all-time favorite coaches I heard speak was the late, great John Wooden. He said, "You cannot live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you." There's another old epitaph that says, "What we do for ourselves alone dies with us; what we do for others is timeless. What I gave, I have; what I spent, I had; what i kept, I lost." 
This summer YOU will be part of something BIGGER than yourself, part of a community of life-changers who are driven to make Jesus famous! You will have the chance to be a hero to some kid in kamp! We can't wait to run this race with YOU:)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

You are Special

Max Lucado wrote one of my daughter, Shayla's, favorite books, You Are Special. It's a book about these wooden folks who put dots on people in town who are "special" or gifted. If you are good, the dots people give to you stick; but if you don't think you are good, or if you make a mistake, the dots fall off and people make fun of you for not having enough dots! One girl in the book has no dots and is totally cool with that. She is sassy and confident and totally gets who she is. She meets this little guy who has no dots and who thinks he is a failure. This girl takes the boy to meet Eli, the wood carver, who creates all these people. Upon meeting Eli, his creator, this little guy begins to start understanding that he is special b/c Eli made only one of him! You probably get the moral of the story (and if not, don't worry, we read the book during STW and show you how to do a great devo:) In the end, this little guy begins to listen more to what his creator says to him about how special he is than the people around him.
Another fav book of mine is called,  You Are Born an Original, Don't Die a Copy. Moral of the book is that You are the FIRST that ever was. You are "fearfully and wonderfully made: (Ps 139:14). Do not be awestruck by other people and try to copy them. Nobody can be you as efficiently and as effectively as you can. When you fully use the gifts you have, people call you gifted. You are not created to be all things to all people. Did you know that more than 90 percent of all flowers have either an unpleasant odor or none at all. Yet it is the ones with sweet frangrance that we most remember. My encouragement to you is embrace how God designed you and Stand out!  "Don't copy the behaviors of this world, but be a new and different person with fresh newness in all you do and think. Then you will learn from your own experience how His ways will really satisfy you." (Romans 12:2)
 When you come to k2 this summer, do not look to your left or to your right to see what you THINK you should be. Look at your heart and examine your own gifts and be who God created YOU to be:)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Road Trip

Hey K2 Staff Gals!

You know the excitement you feel when you are with your besties and the idea of a road trip pops in your head? Road trips were some of my FAVORITE college memories. I love the idea of jumping in a car and going to new places, exploring new things and being with my best friends.:  laughter and giddiness just seems to permeate from me when the thought of getting on the road and going to some unknown place occurs. Some of you might be feeling a lot of the giddiness and excitement right now as you think about the details of your road trip to Kanakuk this summer! You are energized and excited; dreaming about your co and the kids and what classes you might be teaching or what it's going to be like in the dining hall serving food or in the office sorting mail. Your heart starts racing and your stomach feels like it has a million butterlies floating around.

I guarantee this road trip will be one of a kind. You are going to be part of something bigger than yourself this summer, no matter what position you are serving in, because God does mighty things at Kanakuk. My heartbeat is to help make this roadtrip the most memorable one you will ever experience. I will help you "pack your bags" so you are prepared and ready for this excursion.
Get out your suitcases, gas up your car and rev your motor for the greatest trip ever :)

Always a Family,

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Hey K2 Staff Gals,
Welcome to the blog just for YOU! We are excited for this blog to be a place for you all to stay connected.
Here is what is to come:
1. party costume ideas
2. how to be a great staff gal
3. kanakuk lingo and vocabulary you gotta know
4. devotional ideas for your cabin
5. sharing your testimony
6. rockin' kitchies
7. day in the life of k2
8. packing list for staff training week
9. how to bond a cabin
10. meet your girls leadership team

Make sure to "follow" the blog on the right side. It's going to be the premier place to get all the info for summer 2011!

always a family,